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In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, "MASER USA INC" informs you that it fully complies with the current regulations regarding personal data protection and the confidentiality requirements inherent in its activities.

"MASER USA INC" informs you of the existence of automated personal data files owned by "MASER USA INC" used for management, communication, and information purposes.

These files are registered in the General Data Protection Registry, which the User can access to verify their status.


"MASER USA INC" has taken the necessary measures to maintain the required level of security, according to the nature of the personal data processed and the circumstances of the processing, in order to prevent, as far as possible and always according to the state of the art, their alteration, loss, unauthorized processing, or access.


The file structure, computers, and information systems will apply to all files, whether temporary or permanent, owned by "MASER USA INC" that contain personal data and any computer or information system that uses them to comply with current data protection legislation.

All personnel contracted by "MASER USA INC" and its data processors are obliged to comply with this regulation, with special attention to their duties and obligations, which will be duly determined by "MASER USA INC."


Acceptance of these conditions requires the user to provide essential data for the provision of services, which will be requested personally through forms or the website.

The user will be duly informed of their rights at the time of data collection. To keep the information in our files updated and error-free, we ask our clients and users to promptly inform us of any modifications and corrections to their personal data.


The rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition may be exercised by the user or their representative through a written and signed request addressed to "MASER USA INC", 601 Brickell Key Drive, Suite 700, Miami, Florida 33131.

However, other means may be used to recognize the identity of the client exercising any of the aforementioned rights.


The user will give their consent for "MASER USA INC" to use their personal data to fulfill the contracted services properly.

Filling out the form included on the site, sending emails, or other communications with "MASER USA INC" implies the client's express consent to the inclusion of their personal data in the aforementioned file, which is owned by "MASER USA INC."

When we request this information, the client or user will be informed of the recipient, the purpose of data collection, the identity and address of the file's responsible party, and the user's ability to exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition to the processing of their data.


"MASER USA INC" does not disclose personal data without the express consent of the data subjects, which must be granted on each occasion. Personal data will only be disclosed for the expressed purpose and always with the user's or client's consent.


The data collected in all private communications between "MASER USA INC" and clients or users will be treated with absolute confidentiality. "MASER USA INC undertakes the obligation to keep personal data confidential, safeguard it, and take all necessary measures to prevent its alteration, loss, unauthorized processing, or access, in accordance with the Security Measures Regulation for Automated Files containing personal data.

Moreover, any information exchanged between the parties and any agreed confidential information will also be treated as confidential.

Online viewing of data does not imply direct access to it unless the owner expressly consents each time.

We recommend that clients do not provide third parties with their identification, password, or reference numbers provided by "MASER USA INC."

Likewise, to ensure the protection of professional secrecy between "MASER USA INC" and the client is preserved in all communications, the client/user should not disclose confidential information to third parties.


"MASER USA INC" reserves the right to modify its security and data protection policy to adapt it to legislative or jurisprudential developments, as well as those that may arise from existing codes in the matter or due to strategic corporate decisions, effective from the date of publication of such modification on the "MASER USA INC" website.

CONTACT INFORMATION is managed by "MASER USA INC" with EIN: 30-1313086.

The created file is located at the corporate address, which is established for the purposes of this Legal Notice, at "MASER USA INC," 601 Brickell Key Drive, Suite 700, Miami, Florida 33131, under the supervision and control of "MASER USA INC," which is responsible for adopting the necessary technical and organizational security measures to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the information, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law and other applicable legislation.

"MASER USA INC," in accordance with the Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce Law, informs that the provision of information by such means is included in the broad sense of the law.

In this regard, the Personal Data Protection Law and its regulations will apply, particularly regarding collecting personal data and information from interested parties and creating and maintaining personal data files.


In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law, your data will be included in a duly legalized file owned by "MASER USA INC."

You can exercise your rights of access, cancellation, or rectification at our offices.


1. The user who wishes to contract the Maser Teleassistance service needs to provide the personal and social data required in the form enabled on this website, which implies acceptance of the general conditions for fulfilling the contract.

2. This contract aims to regulate the general contracting conditions of Maser Teleassistance in the selected modality.

3. Scope and conditions of the service.

  • The purpose of the Maser Teleassistance service is to offer assistance to all clients who own machinery for CNC, cutting, and molding machines that use remote computer access connected to the machine's equipment by purchasing Teleassistance vouchers for five or ten hours of assistance.

  • Before purchasing the teleassistance vouchers, the client will contact Maser staff via fax or email at [email protected], describing the type of machine breakdown, model, and serial number.

  • The client will receive advice from Maser staff for purchasing the vouchers and a confirmation email of the purchase.

  • The service is provided on a prepaid basis. The client must purchase one of the two-hour vouchers created for this purpose at

  • Purchasing this voucher implies acceptance of these conditions.

4. Once the corresponding voucher purchase has been executed, Maser will contact the client and the technicians to configure and specify the details of the Teleassistance action via remote access to the Breton machine's computer through the TeamViewer system.

The Maser technician will instruct on how to configure the remote connection.

The Teleassistance service hours are Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

5. The price of the Teleassistance vouchers is 350 USD VAT included for the ten-hour voucher and 200 USD VAT included for the five-hour voucher.

Payment will be made at the time of purchase as a necessary requirement to provide any type of assistance.

6. Travel, maintenance, or replacement parts are not included in this service.

If necessary, these services will be billed to the client independently upon acceptance of the quote prepared by Maser.

7. Billing will be done in one-minute increments and will be deducted from the available hours balance.

At the end of each month, the client will be informed of the status of the contracted service, the time spent on Teleassistance actions, and the time available for future actions.

The voucher is valid for five years from the date of purchase.

8. The Maser Teleassistance service will be free for Breton models during the warranty period given by the manufacturer.

In the case of new machinery, the warranty period is twenty-four months; for used machinery, the period is six months.

The client can inquire about the warranty status of their machine with Maser at any time.

9. Maser will not be responsible for misuse of Teleassistance tasks, maintenance work performed by the user or unauthorized third parties, or network failures or errors in using TeamViewer.

10. This contract is of a commercial nature and will be governed by Florida law. Maser and the client do not have an employment relationship.

For any disputes arising from this contract, the parties expressly submit to the jurisdiction of the Miami courts and Tribunals.

11. General information about Maser:

MASER USA INC, 601 Brickell Key Drive, Suite 700, Miami, Florida, has an EIN of 30-1313086.

Contact: [email protected]

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